```eval_rst .. _Processing-and-Jobs-jobviewer: ``` # The Job Viewer The Job Viewer window, available in the "Tools" Menu, displays the status of all Jobs under your organization currently running on the HPS, along with their status, owner, and details. The Job Viewer can be used to review or cancel jobs, measure Compute Time, and view or export detailed job output. ## Cancelling Jobs To cancel a job, press the "Cancel" button in the Action column of the Job List display. Cancelled jobs will remain in the job view for review, and can be removed by pressing the "Dismiss" button in the Action Column. ## Farm Status Farm Status is displayed at the top left of the Job Viewer. This displays the number of jobs running and the number of currently available farms. ## The Job Viewer ```eval_rst .. image:: assets/job_viewer_labeled.png :width: 1200 ``` The Job Viewer is divided into 3 panels: 1. **The Job List:** The top half of the window, labeled "All Jobs", is the Job List. This contains each job, with a description and debug information. Jobs can be selected by clicking anywhere in a given job's row. 2. **Console Output:** The Console Output is the bottom left window. With a Work Unit selected, this displays status information for debugging purposes. When a work unit is selected, the "Save Logs" button can be used to store the current logs to disk. 3. **Work Unit List:** The Work Unit List is the bottom right portion of the window. It shows the status of each individual work unit within the current selected job. Work Units can be selected with left click to display their output in the Job Console. ### The Job list The Job List contains the following columns for each job: - **Description:** Description of the job containing interval information - **Job ID:** Unique identifier of the job - **Status:** See "Job Status" below - **Compute Time:** The amount of time (in compute hours) spent processing the job. Jobs run in parallel on the Holographic Processing Service and this is the aggregate time on all processors - **Elapsed Time:** The amount of time (in realtime hours) since the job was executed - **Nodes:** N/A in HoloEdit 2022.1 - **Priority:** N/A in HoloEdit 2022.1 - **Server:** The name of the Job Server instance in use - **Owner:** The HoloEdit Instance that created the Job - **Action:** Cancel or remove the job from the Job list ### Work Unit List The Job List contains the following columns for each work unit of the currently selected job: - **Status:** See "Work Unit Status" below - **Frame:** The Frame or Frame Range being operated on by this Work Unit - **Compute Time:** The amount of time (in compute hours) spent processing the Work Unit - **Stage Type:** The name of the current process being executed by the Work Unit. Varies per Stage - **Work Unit ID:** Unique identifier of the Work Unit ## Job Status In the Job List, each job will have a Status displayed in the Status Column. - **Queued:** Jobs that are Queued are being prepared for processing. If your organization is running many jobs simultaneously, new jobs may queue until previous jobs have completed - **In Progress:** Jobs in Progress display a %, indicating the percentage of the job's total work items that have been completed - **Failed:** Jobs that have Failed will display the "Failed" status. Failed Jobs are usually the result of a server error or malformed data being sent to the job server. Review your input streams and the Job Console Output. If the issue persists, contact [HoloSuite Support](https://arcturusxr.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2) - **Done:** Completed jobs are labeled "Done" - **Abandoned:** When a job's results are no longer needed by HoloEdit, they will be marked "abandoned". Abandoned jobs' results will not be fetched ## Work Unit Status In the Work Unit List, each Work Unit will have a Status displayed in the Status Column. - **N/A**: Status of this Unit Item has not been retrieved from the Job Server yet - **Starting:** Work Unit is starting processing - **Active:** Work items in progress are labeled "active", indicating the work item is currently in progress - **Failed:** Work Units that have Failed will display the "Failed" status. Failed Jobs are usually the result of a server error or malformed data being sent to the job server. Review your input streams and the Job Console Output. If the issue persists, contact [HoloSuite Support](https://arcturusxr.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2) - **Finished:** Completed work units are labeled "Finished"