```eval_rst .. _Processing-and-Jobs: ``` # Processing & Jobs Most computations in HoloEdit stages are performed on the **Holographic Processing Service** (HPS), typically referred to as 'HPS', or the 'Job Server'. The Remote Job Server, a cloud-based service, will perform fast parallel computations on Arcturus' Cloud Servers without tying up your local machine. While we also offer a single threaded Local Job Server which runs on the same computer as HoloEdit. When stages are processed through the “Execute Intervals” command, or the "Process Pending/Selected" buttons, the selected intervals and stages are dispatched to the HPS as **Jobs**. There, they are broken up into **Work Units** for processing. Jobs that are processing can be inspected using the Job Viewer window, available in the "Jobs" Menu, or by using the Job Viewer short-cut at the bottom right-hand corner of the Timeline. ``` important:: Compositions will be able to receive results for up to 9 months before the job will expire and the results are destroyed. Be sure to receive your results and save your composition before the retention period ends. ``` ```eval_rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Server_Jobs.rst Job_Viewer.rst ```