Editing Compositions with Intervals


Multiple intervals on a single Stage. Selected intervals have pink handles

A HoloEdit composition is made up of ‘Intervals’.

Intervals are displayed as long grey boxes aligned with individual stages.

Each stage can have one or zero or more intervals, and each interval represents a specific portion of time where that stage will be applied to the Composition.

The Stage determines what kind of edits will be applied to a track, but the Intervals contain the frame range and the particular settings for each edit.


If a stage contains gaps of time without intervals, no edits are applied for those frames, and the data inside intervals in previous stages (if any) flow directly downwards to subsequent stages.

Most compositions start out with a Load Asset stage containing one long interval to add initial data to the Track, and then go on to contain more stages and intervals for editing and compression.

Creating an Interval

There are multiple ways to create intervals:

  • Via the “add interval(s)” option on the Timeline Right Click menu when a “Track Time Selection” is present

  • Via the “propagate intervals” option on the Timeline Right Click menu when nothing is selected

  • Automatically at Stage Creation: Certain Stages, or methods of creating Stages, may automatically produce pre-configured intervals. For example, the Load Asset Stage created by dragging a Clip onto the Track View.

  • Automatically when dragging-and-dropping a Clip into the Track Editor

Interval Display

Intervals appear as grey boxes on the Timeline. Each interval displays many pieces of information:

  • Sample Status: The Sample Status is the state of the data present in each frame in an interval. This is conveyed through a few visual indicators

    • Light and dark highlighting on interval body: Areas which are lighter have data present (loaded or created). Areas which are darker have no data

  • Yellow Highlight above the Processing Status bar: Indicates that the currently present data is “dirty” and will need to eventually be recreated to reflect the current settings or input data

  • Interval Range: The frame numbers of the first and last frames of the interval are displayed as a pair of numbers at the center of the interval, such as “0-10”

  • Processing Status: Once an interval has been Executed, a colored line at the bottom of the interval box appears indicating its status. Each color indicates a specific state:

    • Orange: Queued for processing

    • Yellow: Actively processing

    • Green: Successfully processed

    • Red: Failed to process


Intervals that belong to certain stages will change status all at once, and others will update one frame at a time. Once a job has finished, you can hide the status lines by Dismissing the job from the Job Viewer in the Tools menu.

  • Current Frame: A Square Bracket at the top of the interval indicates the position and length of the data currently under the playhead. Appears in light gray if it is currently being rendered in the viewport, dark gray otherwise

  • Segment Bracket: Light Grey Brackets at the bottom of the interval indicate the length and position of stabilized segments

  • Keyframe Marker: The Keyframe Marker is a small diamond marker that indicates where on the interval a Keyframe is located, if present. The Keyframe marker can appear one of two ways depending on the interval state

    • Large, filled diamond: A user-specified keyframe. The diamond can be dragged to adjust the position of the keyframe

    • Small, hollow diamond: A derived keyframe. This keyframe is determined earlier in the Track, and cannot be edited here

When an interval is selected, it shows vertical pink tabs at its edges. These tabs can be dragged to resize the interval (see below).

Adjusting an Interval

The position of intervals can be adjusted by selecting one or more intervals, and then clicking and dragging on the grey body of one of the selected intervals.

The length of an interval can be adjusted by selecting an interval, and then clicking and dragging on the pink end-tabs. Intervals can be of any size, but must be at least one frame long. Intervals can have gaps between them but are not allowed to overlap with other intervals on the same Stage.

When multiple Intervals are selected, clicking and dragging any selected interval will move all selected intervals together. If two or more selected intervals have starting or ending frames positioned on the same frame, dragging any one of those starting or ending handles will move all of those handles in unison.

You can also adjust the position and length of intervals numerically using the Stage Inspector.


For almost all Stages, moving an interval does not move any data inside it. The exception is the Load Asset Stage.

When an interval in a Load Asset Stage is moved, the data inside the interval (which is from its associated Clip) is moved along with it. Changing the size of a Load Asset interval will include more or less of the Clip, but will not move the data.

Data and Intervals

Interval Dirtiness

Most Stages operate using the data Streams present above them in the Track as an input. When Stages are re-arranged or intervals are re-run with new settings, their Stage’s output data may change, causing all subsequent intervals to go out of date with respect to the rest of the Track.

Out of date results aren’t deleted, but all intervals with out of date samples will be marked Dirty, with a yellow highlight above the processing status bar. It’s recommended to re-run any dirty intervals immediately.

Executing An Interval

Unless there are any errors preventing job creation, Right Clicking on an Interval and choosing “Execute” will automatically create a new job and dispatch that job to your selected Job Server. If one or more intervals within a single stage are selected, the job will correspond to the selected interval and stage, and be composed of individual work units for each frame or Segment in the intervals that were executed.