Common UI Elements


The HoloEdit UI is made out of dockable, scalable panels for each of the major Panel types – Inspector, Project, Composition, and Viewport.

To scale a pane, mouse over the border between it and another adjacent pane, and click and drag from the “Tab” at the top left of the pane, then drop on the edge of another pane to dock beside it, or the center of any pane to dock as a tab.

To close a pane, click and drag it out of the HoloEdit UI.

Closed windows can be restored from the Window option in the Menu Bar. If a window is already open, its option in the Window menu will appear greyed out.


Many pieces of the HoloEdit UI provide instructional tooltips on mouse hover. Playback controls, Timeline and Track editor buttons, and various Stage settings feature descriptive tooltips.

Read the following sections below for details on working in individual portions of HoloEdit.